Tamako Market is a series produced by Kyoto Animation studios and directed by Naoko Yamada. This is the first anime series completely created by them, not being adapted from any manga, video game or light novel in particular. It consists of 12 chapters and a special. Genres: Comedy, daily life.
Anko Cosplay Chibi (younger sister of Tamako) |
The series tells the story of Tamako Kitashirakawa, a sweet high school student who lives in the commercial district Usa Yama, whose family runs a business of mochi (a Japanese dish made from rice).
The life of this girl, her family and friends will change with the arrival of Dera, a talking cockatoo who is searching for a bride for the prince of his island. The bird stays in Tamako home, where he gets a good treatment and also a lot of mochi. Dera is precisely who becomes the narrator of the school problems, plans with friends and even love stories that take place on the district.
The story stage is usually Tamako's house and the Usa Yama area and it's stores, but the school also appears when the protagonist and her friends study and practice cheerleading. Anko is Tamako's little sister and also has an important role in the history, as it is in many ways more mature than her sister, who apparently is always thinking about mochi.
Opinion: One word to describe it: Moe! It's a very sweet and cute story and its characters are so innocent and childlike. I enjoyed it and it seems perfect to combine with heavy or complicated series because this is so simple and fresh (I mean if you like to watch more than one anime at a time, like me). The characters remind us to the K-On! girls (mostly for their appearance) because this anime is from the same team that made that series *nostalgic*
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